U Visa Lawyer

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    A U visa attorney near me in New York City helps you navigate the complicated process of obtaining legal immigration to the U.S. because of some level of abuse you underwent. But if you can’t get to the U visa lawyers near me right away, investigate the process of doing a virtual consultation with an immigration specialist. The U visa lawyers at Kats Immigration Law are experts of the entire visa and green card application process. Call today.

    What Is a U Visa and How Does It Work?

    If you’re a victim of any qualifying criminal activity, such as domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking or other offenses, a U visa protects you by granting temporary legal status in the United States. You can legally live in the country without fear of deportation or removal. You must cooperate with law enforcement and government officials in the investigation, however, to take advantage of the benefits.

    The attorneys at Kats Immigration Law know the seriousness of your situation. A U visa attorney near me in NYC, Alina Kats guides you through all the steps to make sure you’re well-prepared and understand your options.

    How Can a U Visa Lawyer Near Me Help?

    U visa lawyers review your case details to assess your eligibility for asylum. They assist with compiling and organizing evidence, like your police reports, medical records and personal statements, to build a strong case. They help you understand your rights and the legal protections available to you. A U visa immigration lawyer offers you services that include:

    • Preparing and filing petitions, such as filling out Form I-918, ensuring all sections are completed accurately
    • Gathering evidence and collecting relevant documentation like affidavits from your witnesses and community
    • Providing legal representation and preparing you for interviews with immigration officials
    • Filing appeals when necessary or filing a motion to reopen or reconsider your case
    • Giving you peace of mind, knowing a professional is handling your case so you can focus on your recovery

    U visa attorneys represent you in communications with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in case they require any additional information or evidence. U visa lawyers have a deep understanding of immigration law and the specific requirements that increase your chances of a successful petition.

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    What People Say

    She is reliable, attentive, punctual and diligent! I recommend this lawyer, she is a very professional lawyer. We took a consultation, everything was explained clearly and competently. Thanks a lot!

    Vitaly Minaev
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    What People Say

    Nothing but positive experience. Alina was my second attorney she was able to fix all the mess that i got into with my original guy. She is reliable, attentive, punctual and diligent. Definitely should be one of the choices to consider when choosing your representative.

    Steven Gutin
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    What People Say

    Alina is Amazing, i would say strongest Immigration Lawyer iv ever seen, in her office everyone is extremely professional and friendly. She will go above and beyond for you, and you will get unreal results. Strongly recomending her‼️

    Luka Kvinikadze

    What Types of Criminal Activity Qualify for a U Visa?

    You may qualify for a U visa whether you experienced physical injury, psychological trauma or domestic violence by a spouse, partner or family member. If you’re a victim of abduction, you can also qualify for a U visa if you suffered substantial abuse and are willing to cooperate with law enforcement. Qualifying criminal activities include:

    • Abusive sexual contact
    • Blackmail
    • Extortion
    • False imprisonment
    • Felonious assault
    • Female genital mutilation
    • Fraud in foreign labor contracting
    • Hostage-taking
    • Incest
    • Involuntary servitude
    • Kidnapping
    • Manslaughter
    • Murder
    • Obstruction of justice
    • Peonage
    • Perjury
    • Prostitution
    • Rape
    • Sexual assault
    • Sexual exploitation
    • Slave trade
    • Stalking
    • Torture
    • Trafficking
    • Witness tampering
    • Unlawful criminal restraint

    Evidence of abuse from your medical records, psychological evaluations, police reports, affidavits from professionals and personal statements detailing the impact of the crime on your life are used to prove your victim status. You must possess information about the criminal activity you were a victim of. This means you have knowledge about the crime and can provide details that may assist law enforcement.

    What Challenges Can I Face if I File a U Visa Application without a Lawyer?

    If you proceed to file a U visa application without a lawyer, it increases the chance of making errors in the application. The immigration process includes many forms and steps that you must complete in a particular order. If you provide any inaccurate information, even unintentionally, it can harm your credibility and cause your application to be rejected. An experienced immigration visa lawyer guides you to:

    • Understand the legal terminology
    • Meet deadlines
    • Prove victimization
    • Cooperate with law enforcement
    • Submit all the documentation
    • Deal with additional requests for evidence

    If your U visa application is denied, you may need to file an appeal to reconsider the decision. And dealing with appeals without a lawyer can be tough as well. A U visa immigration lawyer in Manhattan reduces the risk of mistakes and increases your chances of obtaining the protection and legal status you need.

    Schedule Consultation (973) 626-1177

    What Benefits Can I Get from a U Visa?

    The U visa can get you temporary legal status in the United States for up to four years. You may be able to get work authorization, which can provide you with the opportunity to support yourself and your family financially. After three years of continuous physical presence in the United States with U visa status, you can be eligible to apply for a green card. Benefits of a U visa also include:

    • Protection for family members. If you’re the primary U visa applicant, you can include your family members in your application like your spouse and unmarried children under 21 years of age.
    • Access to public benefits.You may be eligible for certain public benefits like health care, housing assistance and other social services.
    • Educational opportunities. You can pursue educational opportunities, enroll in higher education institutions, apply for scholarships and access many educational resources.
    • Legal protections and rights. You can get the same legal protections and rights as other immigrants with legal status in the United States.

    After getting a green card and holding it for a certain period, having a U visa can help you become a naturalized citizen. Finding U visa lawyers near me can be challenging; in Brooklyn and Manhattan, however, contact Kats Immigration Law for a one-on-one consultation. They also offer a virtual consultation if getting to one of their New York offices is prohibitive right away.

    Kats Immigration Law

    2365 Nostrand Avenue,
    Suites 106, 107,
    Brooklyn, NY 11210
    (973) 626-1177

    Updated on Oct 11, 2024 by Alina Kats (Immigratioon Lawyer) of Kats Immigration Law